Of particular interest and worth seeing are the museums that witness the history and culture ofthe Civetta ski area and of the green surrounding valleys. The Civic Museum in Selva di Cadore boasts the remains of a Mesolithic hunter and its weapons made of deer bones and animal skins. Some years ago the skeleton was found beneath the “Lastoni di Formin” (the Formin Stones) in Mondeval, at the feet of Mount Pelmo . Another interesting spot that reminds of the history and trade of the Val di Zoldo is the “Casa del Capitanato” (the Captain’s House) in Forno di Zoldo, featuring a wide exhibition of nails. Until 300 years ago the Zoldo economy was based on ironworking and the manufacture of iron items. The Zoldo craftsmen provided the Republic of Venice with the necessary nails to build gondolas and trade ships. In addition to the Nail Museum, the Ethonografic Museum in Goima is worth seeing.

Iron and nails museum

Iron and nails on display

Palazzo del Capitaniato in Forno di Zoldo is  home to the Iron and nail Museum, created with the aim of preserving and illustrating an important part of Zoldo’s history, centred around iron mining and processing. Many of the local names, such as Forno, Fornesighe or Fusine (forno means kiln) are a reference to the metallurgical and mining activities carried around here in the past. The museum is divided up into various sections: on the ground floor is the history section, which illustrates the main events that characterised local mining and smithery activity. On the upper floor, visitors can see the equipment used by blacksmiths and number of pictures that illustrate the various stages of ironworking, from the attraction of the metal from the mines, through to forging in the funaces, called “fusinele” in the local dialect. One of these fusinele ca still be visited in Pralongo; the building has recently been restored, and visitors can see the workstations where the “ciodarot” made the nails for which the area are famous.

Info tel. +39 0437 787349

Museum in the clouds

The Museum in the Clouds, located on Monte Rite (2181 m) between Pieve di Cadore and Cortina d’Ampezzo in the heart of the Dolomites, is sensational for the views alone. The plateau at the summit offers a 360° panorama of the most spectacular mountains in the Dolomites: Monte Schiara, Monte Agnèr, Monte Civetta, Marmolata, Monte Pelmo, Tofana di Rozes, Sorapis, Antelao, Marmarole. The theme of the museum in the old fort is “rock”. The museum illustrates the process of the conquest of the Dolomites – with reference to those natural scientists and mountaineers who wrote alpine history with their discoveries, new routes and first ascents. At the heart of the museum there is a big gallery housing a collection of unique paintings of the Dolomites, from the Romantic period up to today. Annual exhibitions are also held.

Small hidden treasures

Tiziano, Besarel, Brustolon, Tomea, Simonetti e many other artists have left their works here and there throughout the valley and in the world in churches and lordly houses. The most precious of all is the monumental church of San Floriano with its splendid architecture and the 80 meter belltower that stands tall and dominates the lower Val di Zoldo.


Name Address Town Phone number Info
Museo del Chiodo via Roma Forno di Zoldo +39 0437 78103 arts and nails
Museo del Vajont Piazza 1 Novembre, 1 Longarone +39 0437 575819
Chiesa di San Floriano Pieve di Zoldo Forno di Zoldo 0437 78164 Chiesa Arcipretale del XV° Sec. edificata nel 1487 in stile gotico-romanico, monumento nazionale, campanile a guglia del 1562, all’interno il famoso “Altare delle Anime” di Andrea Brustolon, “l’Altare del Rosario” di Valentino Panciera-Besarel, il Pulpito di Paolo Gamba Zampol, l’Organo del Callido, Altare del Murer
Chiesa dell’Addolorata loc. Sommariva Forno di Zoldo n/a Chiesetta alla base della “via Crucis” che sale alla Pieve di San Floriano, caratteristico porticato, all’interno opere del Besarel.
Chiesa SS. Modesto e Vito loc. Fornesighe Forno di Zoldo n/a Chiesa del 1500 ampliata nel 1706 il campanile a guglia svetta in lontananza, all’interno “l’Altar Maggior” di Paolo Gamba Zampol.
Chiesa S. Antonio via Roma Forno di Zoldo n/a Chiesa in stile gotico del 1400.
Chiesa San Francesco v Forno di Zoldo n/a Chiesetta del 1500 in centro al paese.